Tuesday, 1 May 2018

People of Belief

Evolution has proved that the underlying nature of existence is curiosity. Curiosity often leads to unprecedented but almost welcomed accidents that later on set the path for discovery. Its this very accidental nature of knowledge that has helped the mankind survive and even emerge as the most powerful of all species on earth. Maybe its this desire to know, evaluate and create that sets humans apart from all other forms of life on earth, so much so that it has evens pushed us on the top of the food chain. When history shows that intelligence is exploring the unknown and being able to make a judgement on its fairness, I fail to understand how dismissal of anything without a proper analysis of the subject is even deemed to be smart.

This brings me to mention one of the most misunderstood concept of religion; not just in our nation but across the world. People have taken to streets to tag people of belief as radicals and even deem as terrorists. Religion, in its very foundation has an innate virtue of belief. A collective composition of that belief, shared by community, lead to a design of a way of life which is the formalisation of religion. Artists nurtured these beliefs into an emotional canvas of literature, poetry, paintings, music and even sculpting. And thus emerged religion a very creation by man as a reflection of his experience on earth and his aspirations from his brief stay here. Borne by man and collapse into man. A belief system so strong that it sprouted across different places across the globe, isolated from each other but uncannily similar.

But somewhere along the line we grew into insolent offended bunch of people, who have decided to overlook and even insult this achievement. Yes I am deeming religion as an achievement. Not for the rules and directives it has been incorrectly identified with, but for the unparalleled amount of raw wisdom and intellect it took to brew. Did I just relate religion to intellect? Yes and I am in my sane mind! Religious texts or so as they are called are a treat for people with a penchant for art. There is no other phenomenon that has stirred the creative juices so much so as religion has. It gives a freedom of imagination, choice and peace. Religion is not Buddhist, Christian, Muslim or so on. It’s the school of thought that a person chooses to identify with. What we mistake religion for is nothing else but political vendetta.

In these schools of thoughts an absence of one is also a belief system. So, all the self-proclaimed atheists who so proudly believe that they have overcome what is referred to as “conservative society” and so vehemently trash those who still have faith are nothing but as religious as anyone else. What they don’t realise is that in the absence of a coherent thought process, they are no different form political opportunists. While one uses religion for personal gains, the other use it to hide their growing intolerance and pea sized intellectual horizon. Its nothing but folly to dismiss what you don’t even understand entirely.

I am by no means an ardent supporter of a religious school of thought. But I am a human. Its in my very core to be curious. I know, I understand, I evaluate and then I decide. I stand neither with nor against any religion. I exist as an entity spiritual in its existence, persistent in its discovery. I do not stand against the atheists but I do stand with the people of belief.